A book-shaped rectangular white nylon case contains a CD with five different sounds of the circulation of the blood recorded at five different points of the artist's body and five digital colours prints wich correspond to each of these sounds.


Dimensions of the closed book: 27 x 33 x 4 cm
Edition: 50 signed and numbered copies + 5 artist's copies + 2 hors commerce copies
Production: Victor Cortina, Doppler-Color of Toshiba Power Vision 6000, Barcelona
Images treated by Joaquim Borràs, Barcelona
Digital printer: Laboratorios Zebra, Barcelona
CD recording: Tonstudio Vagnsson, Hanover
Case: Antonio Ponce, Barel SA, Sant Feliu de Llobregat
Publisher: Kestner Gesellshaft, Hanover, and Galeria Toni Tàpies, Barcelona


V.1 to V.5
5 images
Digital sublimation printing, 18 x 24 cm
Zebra photographic paper, 22.5 x 30.6 cm